Red is sexy hot. It's a strong color that conjures up a range of seemingly conflicting emotions from passionate love to sexual violence and intimate warfare. And for these reasons i have choosen it to be the principle colour for this "HARAJUKU GIRL" photo shoot project.Dressed in a modern black transparent kimono, fitted with a red and gold brocade obi belt.She is fierce, ready to stand her ground and fight till the end.With her mystical samurai sword,she harnest the blood of her enemy one by one.When the epic battle is over, HARAJUKU GIRL relaxes and dine on a bowl of golden skeletons.(Below are the photos of this shoot)
Ideas ,costunme,hair,make-up,accessories,props and back drop by HOUSEOFPASHA
Speacial thanks for the stunning photoand video.Not forgeting our fierse Harajuku Girl - VICTORIA (Below is video of this photo shoot)
Thanks for watching.
Another style triumph - a perfect blend of theatre and glamour. You are a very talented lady XOXO Allen